The ResMed Foundation provides grants in three funding categories: Clinical Research, Physician and Public Awareness, and Community Philanthropy. The Foundation aims to provide grants totaling about $1 million each year to support sleep disordered breathing research where grants typically are limited to about $250,000 over the term of the study, public awareness where grants are typically limited to about $10,000, arts and STEM education in San Diego where grants are typically limited to $10,000. For specific information on guidelines, the application process, funding criteria, and online application and required documents, please click on one of the links to the left. If you have any questions, you may contact us via email.
Application Deadlines:
March 15
September 15Decision Made By:
April 30
October 31
Application Deadlines:
June 15
December 15
Decision Made By:
July 31
January 31
Application Deadlines:
April 1Decision Made By:
July 31
A few examples of programs that the Foundation has funded are highlighted under Grant Recipients.
The ResMed Foundation is restricted from funding:
Donor recipients must be a qualified tax-exempt organization under section 501 (c) 3 of the US Internal Revenue Service or have the equivalent designation by the federal governing agency in another country.
Grants will be given to organizations that demonstrate that they have competent management who have a history of delivering results in an effective and cost efficient manner.
Indirect costs: The Foundation's policy is to consider a maximum of 4% of indirect/overhead costs; however the board's preference is to fund direct (program) costs only.
Grants are awarded with a clear expectation of measurable results and outcomes.
Reports to the Foundation will be required on a semi-annual basis from both Clinical Research and Physician and Public Awareness grant recipients. At the conclusion of the study/project, all grantees are required to complete a final report detailing how the Foundation was recognized, how the funds were spent, definitive outcomes and achievements. In addition, for Clinical Research, the Foundation will be provided a copy of all abstracts and published reports.
Documentation will be required proving the organization requesting funds is a legally and IRS/Government designated not-for-profit organization.
Proposals are reviewed and recommendations made to fund or decline by the designated committee. They are then reviewed and a final decision to approve or decline made by the Board of Trustees.
If the board approves funding, a formal Grant Agreement between the ResMed Foundation and grantee will be sent for signature. Upon receipt of two signed originals, the initial funding payment will be made. Subsequent payments will be made based on board's review of the Semi-Annual Reports and their determination that the study/project is progressing at a reasonable rate. The Foundation reserves the right to discontinue funding if the study is not carried out in a timely manner and in compliance with the original grant proposal.
The ResMed Foundation provides grants in four funding categories: Clinical Research; Physician and Public Awareness; Community Philanthropy; and Emerging Investigators Research. The Foundation aims to provide grants totaling about $1 million each year to support sleep disordered breathing research where grants typically are limited to about $250,000 over the term of the study, public awareness where grants are typically limited to about $10,000, arts and STEM education in San Diego where grants are typically limited to $10,000, and to an Emerging Researcher with an award of $100,000. For specific information on guidelines, the application process, funding criteria, and online application and required documents, please click on one of the links to the left. If you have any questions, you may contact us via email.
Application Deadlines:
March 15
September 15Decision Made By:
April 30
October 31
Application Deadlines:
June 15
December 15
Decision Made By:
July 31
January 31
Application Deadlines:
April 1Decision Made By:
July 31
Application Deadlines:
September 15Decision Made By:
November 30
A few examples of programs that the Foundation has funded are highlighted under Grant Recipients.
The ResMed Foundation is restricted from funding:
Donor recipients must be a qualified tax-exempt organization under section 501 (c) 3 of the US Internal Revenue Service or have the equivalent designation by the federal governing agency in another country.
Grants will be given to organizations that demonstrate that they have competent management who have a history of delivering results in an effective and cost efficient manner.
Indirect costs: The Foundation's policy is to consider a maximum of 4% of indirect/overhead costs; however the board's preference is to fund direct (program) costs only.
Grants are awarded with a clear expectation of measurable results and outcomes.
Reports to the Foundation will be required on a semi-annual basis from both Clinical Research and Physician and Public Awareness grant recipients. At the conclusion of the study/project, all grantees are required to complete a final report detailing how the Foundation was recognized, how the funds were spent, definitive outcomes and achievements. In addition, for Clinical Research, the Foundation will be provided a copy of all abstracts and published reports.
Documentation will be required proving the organization requesting funds is a legally and IRS/Government designated not-for-profit organization.
Proposals are reviewed and recommendations made to fund or decline by the designated committee. They are then reviewed and a final decision to approve or decline made by the Board of Trustees.
If the board approves funding, a formal Grant Agreement between the ResMed Foundation and grantee will be sent for signature. Upon receipt of two signed originals, the initial funding payment will be made. Subsequent payments will be made based on board's review of the Semi-Annual Reports and their determination that the study/project is progressing at a reasonable rate. The Foundation reserves the right to discontinue funding if the study is not carried out in a timely manner and in compliance with the original grant proposal.